Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Short Overview, Then Visualizing What You Want.

Lets take a brief overview of the seven lessons on changing your thought process. I’ll put these in short paragraph bullet format so you can use these for a refresher when you need it instead of going back and looking for the information in the longer formats. Feel free to read back through the blog whenever you wish. It never hurts to keep this information fresh in your mind, and repeating the exercises will help keep you focused.

Lesson 1 – Action – Only by taking action can you bring your thoughts and desires into reality. You must take some action, and do so consistently, in order to bring continued success to your life.

Lesson 2 – Decisions – The only way to take action is to make a conscious decision to do so. By learning how to control your decisions, you become the creator of your success and future.

Lesson 3 – Beliefs – The beliefs that you have about yourself and your abilities will have a major impact on your decisions and actions. Only you can change your beliefs to match the ideas and desires you have for a successful life.

Lesson 4 – Values – Your values give you a direction in which to proceed. You are more likely to focus on those values that you hold higher, and less likely or not at all on those you do not.

Lesson 5 – Fear – The father of all negative thought and emotion, and the number one reason why people do not take action. Controlling your fear means controlling fully your future.

Lesson 6 – Motivation – Your main driving force behind your actions. Without motivation, you will be less likely to take consistent actions towards your goals.

Lesson 7 – Persistence – Acting consistently drives you toward success. Persistence allows you to get by any hurdles or obstacles that may be in the way of you achieving your goals. The more persistent you are in your actions, the easier it will be to do those actions consistently.

There you have it – the seven main ingredients to help you change the way you think and act when it comes to having success. Seven long-winded newsletters broken down to their core elements. If you learn to use these seven elements in your daily life, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

I would like to leave this part of the mental overhaul and re-training with an exercise that I find very useful on a daily basis. This exercise, the vision board, will also help direct us back towards making the Universal Law of Attraction work for us everyday.. With our new, positive, action-oriented thought process working for us, the Law of Attraction becomes the vehicle that brings us all of the successes we desire.

Vision Board

Vision boards are not a new concept, but I first learned about them while reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. One of the experts in that book, John Assaraf ( related a story involving his use of a vision board. A vision board is simply a bulletin style board that you place your desires on. Whatever it is you want, place it on the vision board either in picture or text format – new car, house, health, wealth, love – write it down or find a photograph that give you a good representation of it and put it on the board. Put the board in a place where it will be one of the first things you see every day. Look over it every day and see yourself possessing all of the things on it. One of the best ways to get the Law of Attraction working for you is by visualization. We will begin our journey into using the Law of Attraction with visualization next.

Visualization – Telling The Universe What You Want.

Now that we have all of our exercises for changing the way we think into something more positive and more attuned to the Universe, we need to be able to tell the Universe what it is that we want. While it is perfectly fine to just say, or think, “I want this”, using a visual image of what you want while asking for it makes it not only more powerful in you thoughts, but precise in what it is you really want. You can project a thought out that is vague such as “I want more money”, and then find a $5.00 bill on the ground – the Universe has answered you wish and provided you with more money, but probably not the amount you were hoping for. We looked at vision boards in the last newsletter, and you should have had time to at least start one of your own. Vision boards are great for helping to get that more precise thought settled in your mind before asking the Universe for something, since you can see a picture, a written goal, or anything else you put there before giving the request.

There are many forms of visualization that can help you. One of the best forms is to see yourself having whatever it is you want to have. Let’s say you want a new car – whatever type of car it is you desire. I have always wanted a Ferrari 360 Spyder, so we will use that for this example. Take a long look at the back of your hands until you have all of the features of your hands set firmly in your mind. Close your eyes and picture your hands wrapped around the steering wheel of your new dream car, and see yourself driving this car through town with people you know watching you in awe of your new ride. Once you get that feeling inside that you already own this car, ask the Universe for it. If there is a dealer for the type of car you want somewhere near you, go there and test drive the car. Don’t let thoughts such as “I can’t afford this” enter your mind while you are doing the test drive. Think instead “This is my car, and I will have it soon”.

You can use any form of visualization that you can think of to get the right picture in your mind of what it is you want. A good way of thinking about this process is to picture the Universe as a catalog of everything that is. Your mental picture and request for your desires is the same as making an order from a catalog. When you place an order from a catalog, you know that what you ordered is going to be shipped to you – it is the same when placing your order from the Universe. Once you place your order with the Universe, you can feel secured that your order is being shipped to you, and you are just waiting for it to arrive.