Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thought Vibration

According to Mr. Atkinson, all thought is sent out in a wave pattern, similar to the wave patterns of sound and light. This causes vibration in the thoughts of others and helps to attract like minds. It is also the same vibrations that help to impress the thinking stuff described in The Science Of Getting Rich. Using this viewpoint, people who think in a positive manner will attract other people who think in a similar manner, and people who think negatively will attract like-minded, negative people.

When it comes to the realm of positive thinking and attraction marketing, you need to get your mental attitude in the right frame, otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure. If you have ever listened to a seminar from any of the top internet marketers today, they almost always start off by saying that in order to become a millionaire, you need to surround yourself with millionaires. What the are really saying is that you need to think of yourself as being successful, believe in that thought, and surround yourself with others who have the same thoughts and are successful. If you hang around with people who are generally negative, especially when it comes to being successful, then you will pick up on the thought patterns of those people and hinder your efforts at becoming successful yourself.

The human mind is considered one of the gateways to the Universal Will – Supreme Will, Thinking Stuff, Quanta, Dark Matter, God, etc, choose your own title based on your beliefs if it will help you to get in the proper frame of mind. The Universal Will is directly related to a person’s will power, and is the primary focus of these theories to cause all of the negative thoughts and emotions to subside and allow one to think, act, and believe that he is capable of, and worthy of, doing or being anything that he wishes. Most people, at least those that are not as successful as they want to be, will claim a lack of will power on the reason that they cannot achieve the success that they desire. It is not a lack of will power that is keeping anyone from becoming successful, but a lack of proper mental attitude that prevents one’s will from becoming the dominant force in his thought patterns.

In order to begin the process of training your mind to remain in a positive mental state, you can use Mr. Atkinson’s mental picture as a very good example. Think of yourself as the King over your own realm. See yourself sitting on your throne and ruling over all of the other parts that make up you – especially those negative thoughts that intrude upon your positive mental attitude. You are in charge, so order those thoughts to subside and remain fixed on the positive things that you want to see for yourself, and with some practice and a little time, you will begin to think of yourself as in charge of what thoughts that you allow yourself to have. Once you can do this, putting yourself in a positive mental state becomes far easier and quicker, and allows you to overcome any negative thoughts that you may have.

Mr. Atkinson gives an exercise in his book that is designed to help you get into this positive mental attitude. Make the affirmation to yourself “I AM Asserting the Mastery of My Real Self”. Repeat these words to yourself at least once an hour, and several times before going to bed. Don’t just say or think the words, but do so positively and with earnest, and with the thought that you keep of yourself that inspires you to believe the words are true.

Using this exercise, you will in time begin to have new, more positive thoughts without having to make an effort to have them, and you will begin to see that things that seemed difficult before now come to you much easier. You will begin to see yourself as the image that you have of yourself, and begin to believe that you are in charge of yourself. This is the first step in the retraining of you mind to become the positive, successful person that you want to be.

Part 2 of Thought Vibration will be posted soon.


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