Improving Your Thought Process
In order for you to be able to influence the Law of Attraction towards giving you what you desire, you need to become more action minded. Just having an idea or desire is not enough. You need to take action on these ideas in order to make them a real part of your life. Remember, you are in control of your life and only you can take the actions necessary to get your life where you want it to be.
In order for you to take full control of your life, to create the life that you want for yourself, you need to develop the ability to take your ideas and act on them immediately and consistently. You need to put aside the fears and skepticism that have been holding you back. Take your ideas, your desires, your dreams, and transform them into the reality that is your life.
Over the next several updates, I will introduce you to some of the universal principles that will help you transform your behavior, your way of thinking, into a positive, action-minded process. If you apply these principles to your own life, then you will be able to control and direct your future – not just blindly follow into it. Walt Disney once said: “If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It”. There is nothing that you can not achieve if you just dream it, and then take the actions necessary to make it real.
Taking Action
If you want to be successful in directing your life towards your goals and dreams, then you must take some kind of action. It does not matter how large or small your goal is as long as there is true desire to make it a reality. Most of us have been told throughout our lives that we cannot live our dreams or have all that we want. This is a lie! The truth is that everyone has the ability to be, do , and have everything that they desire. Once you have an idea in your mind, you automatically have the ability to create that idea into a reality. This ability comes in the form of an action that allows you to transform your idea into physical reality.
What Is Action?
An action can be defined as something that you do – your idea manifested in a physical and mental effort to produce the reality. The basic formula for action is T+E=A (Time + Effort = Action). The amount of time and quality of effort will affect the overall outcome of your action, and only you can decide how much time and effort is needed to produce the action that you desire.
In order to change your life, you need to have an idea of the change that you want, then act upon that idea and make it a part of your life. Once you take action upon an idea, you will produce an effect or result. All actions produce results, either good or bad; success or failure. Action transforms your ideas and desires into reality. You already possess the ability to create action on an idea, all you need is to develop the capacity to use it in the proper way with practice and exercise.
In order to produce the results that you want, you need to take control of your actions and make the results consistent. Success is not brought about by getting is right every now and then, but in getting it right most of the time. You must learn to exercise your mind to produce the action that you want consistently, like a habit. Everyone has habits, although a lot of them tend to be bad ones. Habits help you to perform an action more effectively and more consistently than having to apply constant toward carrying out the action. All you need to do now is develop a new, good habit from your desired action. Practice and exercise are the only ways to do this effectively. Training your mind is similar to training your body. Regular physical exercise will keep you fit and healthy, while regular mental exercise will produce more positive actions. Consistency is the key.
The following three exercises will help you in training your mind to take action. Once you learn to take action on an important idea and produce a positive result, you will find that you are naturally motivated to take more actions.
Exercise 1 – Think of two ideas or goals that you really want for yourself. Commit to taking two actions per day toward completing these goals. If it is business oriented, then do two actions to help grow your business (send a mailer, write a blog, write an e-zine article, surf two traffic exchanges, etc).
Exercise 2 – Become accountable for both your actions and inactions. The easiest way to do this is to write your two ideas in a journal. Keep a journal everyday of the two goals or ideas that you set, write them down, and write down the action taken toward the idea or goal and the result. This is a simple thing to do, but very effective.
Exercise 3 – Do something impulsive every week. By doing something impulsive every week, you will teach yourself how to break out of the rut of inactivity based on routine behavior, or what is considered safe and normal. Don’t do anything dangerous or overly crazy, just something that you don’t normally do that is impulsive to your character. By doing this, you are teaching yourself how to act on your ideas immediately and consistently. Write these down in your journal as well.
The Decision To Take Action
Now we know that taking action on your ideas and desires is the only way to make any progress in your life’s goals. I also explained how consistency in your actions was the only way to experience these progresses on a regular basis. In order to put an action to your desires, you must make a conscious decision to take action.
A decision is defined as a commitment to a specific course of action. When you make a real decision to take action on something, that action is set into motion. The idea becomes reality. Once you make a decision to act, and that action is put into motion, there is no stopping that action. Your desire becomes a reality based on your actions.
Most people make their decisions out of habit, based on past experiences. Such decisions are made in the subconscious mind and are not under your direct control once the action starts. The challenge is to start making your decisions consciously, thereby taking back control of your actions. Once you learn to do this, you can change any part of your life just by making a new decision.
As with taking action, you already have the ability to make decisions, you just need to exercise the ability to make it stronger. The best way to exercise your decision making ability is to just use it – make decisions in your conscious mind instead of relying on habit to cause an action. Don’t worry too much about making mistakes at first – you will get better at this the more you do it. Once you realize that making the decision to do a certain action is the hardest part of the process, you will begin to see that the actions, and the controlling of the actions, is much easier than you originally thought.
It is a common misconception that by not making a decision on something means that you are not responsible for whatever the outcome of that something is. When you make a conscious decision to NOT make a decision, then you release your control over the outcome of that something. It does not matter if the outcome is good or bad. You still retain responsibility since your decision to act would have allowed you to control the outcome. By taking no action, the outcome is probably not going to be the one you desired. If you do not make a decision to act, then some other influence will make a decision for you. In order to take control of your life, you must start making these decisions for yourself, with confidence and commitment, and deny these outside forces any influence over your life.
Today’s exercise will start you on the road to making your own decisions. Don’t worry about if you can or should do something, just make a committed decision to do, and then do it. Don’t just make a preference toward your action – make an absolute commitment to do it.
In the journal you should have already started, write down two decisions for each week, at the beginning of the week. Commit yourself to taking action on each of these decisions until they are accomplished. Keep a record of your progress, similar to the example below.
Decision 1 _________________________________________________________
Action I will take in next 24 hours _______________________________________
Action I will take in next 48 hours _______________________________________
Decision 2 _________________________________________________________
Action I will take in next 24 hours _______________________________________
Action I will take in next 48 hours _______________________________________
Monday, March 2, 2009
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