Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Short Overview, Then Visualizing What You Want.

Lets take a brief overview of the seven lessons on changing your thought process. I’ll put these in short paragraph bullet format so you can use these for a refresher when you need it instead of going back and looking for the information in the longer formats. Feel free to read back through the blog whenever you wish. It never hurts to keep this information fresh in your mind, and repeating the exercises will help keep you focused.

Lesson 1 – Action – Only by taking action can you bring your thoughts and desires into reality. You must take some action, and do so consistently, in order to bring continued success to your life.

Lesson 2 – Decisions – The only way to take action is to make a conscious decision to do so. By learning how to control your decisions, you become the creator of your success and future.

Lesson 3 – Beliefs – The beliefs that you have about yourself and your abilities will have a major impact on your decisions and actions. Only you can change your beliefs to match the ideas and desires you have for a successful life.

Lesson 4 – Values – Your values give you a direction in which to proceed. You are more likely to focus on those values that you hold higher, and less likely or not at all on those you do not.

Lesson 5 – Fear – The father of all negative thought and emotion, and the number one reason why people do not take action. Controlling your fear means controlling fully your future.

Lesson 6 – Motivation – Your main driving force behind your actions. Without motivation, you will be less likely to take consistent actions towards your goals.

Lesson 7 – Persistence – Acting consistently drives you toward success. Persistence allows you to get by any hurdles or obstacles that may be in the way of you achieving your goals. The more persistent you are in your actions, the easier it will be to do those actions consistently.

There you have it – the seven main ingredients to help you change the way you think and act when it comes to having success. Seven long-winded newsletters broken down to their core elements. If you learn to use these seven elements in your daily life, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

I would like to leave this part of the mental overhaul and re-training with an exercise that I find very useful on a daily basis. This exercise, the vision board, will also help direct us back towards making the Universal Law of Attraction work for us everyday.. With our new, positive, action-oriented thought process working for us, the Law of Attraction becomes the vehicle that brings us all of the successes we desire.

Vision Board

Vision boards are not a new concept, but I first learned about them while reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. One of the experts in that book, John Assaraf ( related a story involving his use of a vision board. A vision board is simply a bulletin style board that you place your desires on. Whatever it is you want, place it on the vision board either in picture or text format – new car, house, health, wealth, love – write it down or find a photograph that give you a good representation of it and put it on the board. Put the board in a place where it will be one of the first things you see every day. Look over it every day and see yourself possessing all of the things on it. One of the best ways to get the Law of Attraction working for you is by visualization. We will begin our journey into using the Law of Attraction with visualization next.

Visualization – Telling The Universe What You Want.

Now that we have all of our exercises for changing the way we think into something more positive and more attuned to the Universe, we need to be able to tell the Universe what it is that we want. While it is perfectly fine to just say, or think, “I want this”, using a visual image of what you want while asking for it makes it not only more powerful in you thoughts, but precise in what it is you really want. You can project a thought out that is vague such as “I want more money”, and then find a $5.00 bill on the ground – the Universe has answered you wish and provided you with more money, but probably not the amount you were hoping for. We looked at vision boards in the last newsletter, and you should have had time to at least start one of your own. Vision boards are great for helping to get that more precise thought settled in your mind before asking the Universe for something, since you can see a picture, a written goal, or anything else you put there before giving the request.

There are many forms of visualization that can help you. One of the best forms is to see yourself having whatever it is you want to have. Let’s say you want a new car – whatever type of car it is you desire. I have always wanted a Ferrari 360 Spyder, so we will use that for this example. Take a long look at the back of your hands until you have all of the features of your hands set firmly in your mind. Close your eyes and picture your hands wrapped around the steering wheel of your new dream car, and see yourself driving this car through town with people you know watching you in awe of your new ride. Once you get that feeling inside that you already own this car, ask the Universe for it. If there is a dealer for the type of car you want somewhere near you, go there and test drive the car. Don’t let thoughts such as “I can’t afford this” enter your mind while you are doing the test drive. Think instead “This is my car, and I will have it soon”.

You can use any form of visualization that you can think of to get the right picture in your mind of what it is you want. A good way of thinking about this process is to picture the Universe as a catalog of everything that is. Your mental picture and request for your desires is the same as making an order from a catalog. When you place an order from a catalog, you know that what you ordered is going to be shipped to you – it is the same when placing your order from the Universe. Once you place your order with the Universe, you can feel secured that your order is being shipped to you, and you are just waiting for it to arrive.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More On Fear And How To Overcome It.

I covered fear earlier, but I am going to go over it again now in a little more detail. Fear is one of the strongest of the negative emotions and is usually the underlying force behind nearly all of the other negative emotions. If you allow fear to control your actions, it can override all of the positive emotions, your values and beliefs, and shut down your ability to proceed. One of the most effective ways to conquer fear is to change the way you look at it. Most people view fear as an enemy, which turns fear into a paralyzing force. It is far more effective to see fear as a part of your instinct – a survival tool. When used properly, fear can empower people to do amazing things, to access those unlimited possibilities that are usually hidden just under the surface of what you believe that you are capable of.

Most people prefer to stay in their “safe zone” or comfort level. If you always stay in that “safe zone” or your life, you deny yourself the opportunity for growth and expansion. The most common underlying factor of the comfort mentality is fear of failure – fear of trying new things that may be outside of your “safe zone”. You will never be able to live your life to the fullest if you never take a peek at what is outside of your comfort level.

Fear is an emotion designed to protect you. It is a warning to you that you need to be prepared for something unexpected or uncomfortable. As man has evolved, most fears now are either imagined or constructed out of negative expectations of the unknown. Everyone has them. It is how you respond to them that makes the difference between success and failure. Since fear is an emotion, and emotions can be controlled, then fear can be controlled. You will probably not be able to eliminate your fears – most people can’t – but you can learn to minimize your fears to a controllable level. Anthony Robbins, a great motivational speaker, puts it this way:
“If you can’t you MUST, and if you must then you CAN.”
Read this principle over and over to yourself until you truly understand the meaning of it. More simply put, the fear (I can’t) is replace with must (you have to take action to grow). Once you realize that you must act, then you can do nothing else but the act – you are committed.

In your journal, write down two fears that you have that are keeping you from your ultimate goal.

1 – I am afraid of ______________________________.
2 – I am afraid of ______________________________.

Rewrite these two fears in the following format:

1 – I want to ___________ and I scare myself by imagining __________.
2 – I want to ___________ and I scare myself by imagining __________.

Examples: I am afraid to quit my current job for something else.
I want to quit my current job and I scare myself by imagining I will go broke.

Once you realize your fears, you can take the actions necessary to minimize them and bring them under control.

Motivation – The Thing That Drives You To Act.

Motivation is defined as a reason for you to act. It rarely has to do with capability (your ability to do something), but is more a matter of what makes you want to do something. If you have a reason or strong internal drive to do something, you will find a way to do it. Once you are able to realize why you want to do something, then you will have that needed push to take consistent action to accomplish it.

Motivation has an enormous impact on your behavior and your life. It is the force that drives you to success. If you are constantly doing something that you do not enjoy, then you find that it is difficult to concentrate on what you are doing. When you are truly motivated to do something, then you enjoy doing it and find it not only easy, but also pleasurable to do. The better your motivation, the easier and more consistent your actions become.

Motivation can be used as an effective form of leverage to develop the ability to take action. A good example is in how you would motivate a child toward good behavior rather than bad. Good behavior brings pleasurable rewards and bad behavior brings un-pleasurable consequences. The leverage comes from how pleasurable or un-pleasurable the outcomes are. You can use these same leveraging techniques to help exercise and train your own motivational forces.

Look back through your journal to the goals that you have set for yourself. For the motivational exercise, plan a reward for yourself for completing a goal, and a consequence for not completing a goal. It is up to you to decide what these should be, but try to make them worth something to you, otherwise the leveraging portion of this exercise will not really come into play. Write down your reward and consequence for each goal, then try to make yourself accountable to them – just as you would for a child.

Persistence – The Key That Ties It All Together.

No matter how smart you are or how much ability you have, you will eventually run into some snag or roadblock with most things that you do. How you deal with these roadblocks is what separates success from failure. Do you continue to try getting past these snags, or do you give up and do something else? This is where persistence comes into play. Persistence the main key to success for a lifetime. It allows you to learn how to manage all of the little hurdles in life, gain some personal growth when you conquer them, and achieve great success when you finally reach your goals.

The word persistence comes from Latin and means “to stand firm”. In the context of these newsletters, it means to stand firm in the face of failure. If you think about it, every successful person has at some time in their life had to deal with failure. The great scientists, inventors, world leaders, etc., have all had some sort of failure in the past that they had to deal with before finding the ultimate successes that they now have. Einstein, for example, spent nearly a decade trying to find the one small piece of evidence to prove his theory of relativity. When it was finally found – not by Einstein, but by an expedition of astronomers studying a solar eclipse – he went from semi-crackpot smart guy to the greatest mind of all time. Small and large failures can be overcome if you are set in your ultimate goal and have the persistence to continue to your actions in order to achieve those goals.

Persistence is not an ability that you are born with, but rather a quality that you have to develop with exercise. Think of persistence as your personal weapon that you use to destroy fear and obstacles along your path to success. With proper development, persistence will become your most valuable resource – even more valuable than skill or talent – on you path to success. Persistence requires a commitment to act, not just a decision to act.

Your exercise for today is to take the decisions that you wrote in your journal from step one and turn them into commitments.

1 – write out your decision and exactly what you are committed to achieving. Be detailed and very specific. When you are finished, sign your name to it. It will be like a signed contract with yourself.

2 – Make a copy of this contract and give it to someone close to you. Try to choose someone who is supportive of your goals, but critical enough to let you know when you are slacking off on your commitment, or heading off in a completely wrong direction. Ask them to read the contract and sign it as a witness – very much like a legal contract. Put this contract somewhere where you will see it every day.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How Your Beliefs Affect Your Decisions

What you believe is a very strong part of being human. Your beliefs have a lot of control over your personal behavior. If you have the wrong beliefs, you may find it difficult, even impossible, to make certain decisions. Most people think that their beliefs are given to them and are beyond their control. In most cases, your beliefs are learned from outside influences as you grow from childhood to adulthood. As you follow through with these newsletters, you will learn that your are the creator of your own beliefs. As the creator of these beliefs, you have the ability to change them, to un-create them and re-create them however you want.

A belief can be defined as a sense of certainty about what something means. For the most part, human behavior is governed by the specific beliefs of each individual human being. Most people’s beliefs are formed in their subconscious minds. This happens when your mind makes an association between an event and the feedback you get from that event. When you do something, your mind forms an association between what you do and the resulting effect of it – pain, pleasure, good, bad. By repetition of these actions, your response becomes automatic, based upon your minds emotional association with the action. Beliefs act like a short cut, allowing you to take some action without having to make a conscious decision about what action to take. If you find yourself having to use excessive will power or conscious effort to do something, then there is most likely a belief that you have that is holding you back.

According to Henry Ford, when you say you either can do something or can’t do something, you are right. What this means is that if you believe that you can’t do something, then you will not be able to do that something. If you believe that you can do something, you will find that you are capable of doing it. Your limitations are set by you based upon what you believe that you are capable of. In order to take control of your beliefs, you need to develop the proper mind set by choosing and designing your beliefs to better serve you and your desires.

Your beliefs come from what certain events in life mean to you – nothing has any meaning except that meaning that you place on it. As long as your mind has enough information to support whatever meaning you place on something, then that will become your belief about that something.

Your mind can be retrained to change your beliefs. You can decide for yourself whether to believe something or not. You choose what you believe by the references that you focus on. It is easy to find references or evidence on any subject to support the belief that you choose to have about that subject. What you choose to focus on is a conscious choice.

In your journal, write down one important goal that you want to set for yourself, either personal or business. Once you have that goal set, answer the following questions about that goal and your beliefs that affect your accomplishing that goal – be honest with yourself when you write these down.


My beliefs about _________________(goal)________________________
1. _________________________(belief)_______________________
2. _________________________(belief)_______________________

Ask yourself “how do you know” about these beliefs. Write down the answer to this question for each belief you have.

1. _________________________(answer)______________________
2. _________________________(answer)______________________

Once you have answered the question for each belief, look at them and determine for yourself if they make sense to you. Write down the beliefs that you MUST have in order to accomplish your goal.

1. ________________________(new belief)_____________________
2. ________________________(new belief)_____________________

If you keep questioning your beliefs in this way, you will find that you will start to doubt some of the beliefs that you may have now that are keeping you from achieving your goals. Once you start to doubt these beliefs, you will be able to change them.

Your Values And How They Define Your Beliefs.

Personal values are those things that are most important to you. They are what you desire most in your life. Personal Values help define your beliefs, and together they give a definite direction to your life. Your personal values help guide you towards that which you seek as well as away from that which you wish to avoid.

Values need to be clarified based on what you want most and what you fear most. If you value success (personal or business), but fear failure (rejection), then you will not be able to fully succeed, since all success comes with some refection. In most online business ventures, the popular ratio is 3% success to 97% failure. Personal success or failure is only measurable by your own personal beliefs and values.

In order to help clarify your values, it helps to make a list of them. In your journal, make a list of the top 5 emotions or feelings that you value in order of importance to you. Examples may be: love, peace, passion, success, health, wealth, vitality, freedom, joy, happiness, etc.

Next, make a list of the top 5 emotions or feelings that you wish to avoid. Examples may be: hate, anger, rejection, failure, jealousy, guilt, sadness, loneliness, depression, fear, etc.

Once you have your list, it becomes easier to define what your life’s values are. Once you know your values, you can define your beliefs around those values, make important decisions easier, and start taking action on your ideas and desires.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Improving Your Thought Process

Improving Your Thought Process

In order for you to be able to influence the Law of Attraction towards giving you what you desire, you need to become more action minded. Just having an idea or desire is not enough. You need to take action on these ideas in order to make them a real part of your life. Remember, you are in control of your life and only you can take the actions necessary to get your life where you want it to be.

In order for you to take full control of your life, to create the life that you want for yourself, you need to develop the ability to take your ideas and act on them immediately and consistently. You need to put aside the fears and skepticism that have been holding you back. Take your ideas, your desires, your dreams, and transform them into the reality that is your life.

Over the next several updates, I will introduce you to some of the universal principles that will help you transform your behavior, your way of thinking, into a positive, action-minded process. If you apply these principles to your own life, then you will be able to control and direct your future – not just blindly follow into it. Walt Disney once said: “If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It”. There is nothing that you can not achieve if you just dream it, and then take the actions necessary to make it real.

Taking Action

If you want to be successful in directing your life towards your goals and dreams, then you must take some kind of action. It does not matter how large or small your goal is as long as there is true desire to make it a reality. Most of us have been told throughout our lives that we cannot live our dreams or have all that we want. This is a lie! The truth is that everyone has the ability to be, do , and have everything that they desire. Once you have an idea in your mind, you automatically have the ability to create that idea into a reality. This ability comes in the form of an action that allows you to transform your idea into physical reality.

What Is Action?

An action can be defined as something that you do – your idea manifested in a physical and mental effort to produce the reality. The basic formula for action is T+E=A (Time + Effort = Action). The amount of time and quality of effort will affect the overall outcome of your action, and only you can decide how much time and effort is needed to produce the action that you desire.

In order to change your life, you need to have an idea of the change that you want, then act upon that idea and make it a part of your life. Once you take action upon an idea, you will produce an effect or result. All actions produce results, either good or bad; success or failure. Action transforms your ideas and desires into reality. You already possess the ability to create action on an idea, all you need is to develop the capacity to use it in the proper way with practice and exercise.

In order to produce the results that you want, you need to take control of your actions and make the results consistent. Success is not brought about by getting is right every now and then, but in getting it right most of the time. You must learn to exercise your mind to produce the action that you want consistently, like a habit. Everyone has habits, although a lot of them tend to be bad ones. Habits help you to perform an action more effectively and more consistently than having to apply constant toward carrying out the action. All you need to do now is develop a new, good habit from your desired action. Practice and exercise are the only ways to do this effectively. Training your mind is similar to training your body. Regular physical exercise will keep you fit and healthy, while regular mental exercise will produce more positive actions. Consistency is the key.

The following three exercises will help you in training your mind to take action. Once you learn to take action on an important idea and produce a positive result, you will find that you are naturally motivated to take more actions.

Exercise 1 – Think of two ideas or goals that you really want for yourself. Commit to taking two actions per day toward completing these goals. If it is business oriented, then do two actions to help grow your business (send a mailer, write a blog, write an e-zine article, surf two traffic exchanges, etc).

Exercise 2 – Become accountable for both your actions and inactions. The easiest way to do this is to write your two ideas in a journal. Keep a journal everyday of the two goals or ideas that you set, write them down, and write down the action taken toward the idea or goal and the result. This is a simple thing to do, but very effective.

Exercise 3 – Do something impulsive every week. By doing something impulsive every week, you will teach yourself how to break out of the rut of inactivity based on routine behavior, or what is considered safe and normal. Don’t do anything dangerous or overly crazy, just something that you don’t normally do that is impulsive to your character. By doing this, you are teaching yourself how to act on your ideas immediately and consistently. Write these down in your journal as well.

The Decision To Take Action

Now we know that taking action on your ideas and desires is the only way to make any progress in your life’s goals. I also explained how consistency in your actions was the only way to experience these progresses on a regular basis. In order to put an action to your desires, you must make a conscious decision to take action.

A decision is defined as a commitment to a specific course of action. When you make a real decision to take action on something, that action is set into motion. The idea becomes reality. Once you make a decision to act, and that action is put into motion, there is no stopping that action. Your desire becomes a reality based on your actions.

Most people make their decisions out of habit, based on past experiences. Such decisions are made in the subconscious mind and are not under your direct control once the action starts. The challenge is to start making your decisions consciously, thereby taking back control of your actions. Once you learn to do this, you can change any part of your life just by making a new decision.

As with taking action, you already have the ability to make decisions, you just need to exercise the ability to make it stronger. The best way to exercise your decision making ability is to just use it – make decisions in your conscious mind instead of relying on habit to cause an action. Don’t worry too much about making mistakes at first – you will get better at this the more you do it. Once you realize that making the decision to do a certain action is the hardest part of the process, you will begin to see that the actions, and the controlling of the actions, is much easier than you originally thought.

It is a common misconception that by not making a decision on something means that you are not responsible for whatever the outcome of that something is. When you make a conscious decision to NOT make a decision, then you release your control over the outcome of that something. It does not matter if the outcome is good or bad. You still retain responsibility since your decision to act would have allowed you to control the outcome. By taking no action, the outcome is probably not going to be the one you desired. If you do not make a decision to act, then some other influence will make a decision for you. In order to take control of your life, you must start making these decisions for yourself, with confidence and commitment, and deny these outside forces any influence over your life.

Today’s exercise will start you on the road to making your own decisions. Don’t worry about if you can or should do something, just make a committed decision to do, and then do it. Don’t just make a preference toward your action – make an absolute commitment to do it.

In the journal you should have already started, write down two decisions for each week, at the beginning of the week. Commit yourself to taking action on each of these decisions until they are accomplished. Keep a record of your progress, similar to the example below.

Decision 1 _________________________________________________________
Action I will take in next 24 hours _______________________________________
Action I will take in next 48 hours _______________________________________

Decision 2 _________________________________________________________
Action I will take in next 24 hours _______________________________________
Action I will take in next 48 hours _______________________________________

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine’s Day

I am sitting here on Valentine’s day researching different methods of putting all of these theories into practice. I would like to be spending the day with my own special valentine, but since she is in China awaiting her US Visa to be approved, and I am here in the US, no amount of Positive Thinking is going to change that for this year. This is not to say that the Law of Attraction did not work for us. I firmly believe that the Law of Attraction is what got us together in the first place, and that once we were able to meet, everything else just fell into place, like we were meant to be together. I am forever grateful to this Universal Law for making things like this possible.

That being said, if the Law of Attraction can help two people that are 7000 miles apart find each other, fall in love, and become married, then think of what it can do for you if you apply it to your everyday life. Space and time are no longer a factor in having the things that you desire come to you. All you have to do is keep that desire strong in your mind, project those thoughts out, and keep a positive mental attitude that all things that you desire will come to you.

One of the best forms of positive thinking is through gratitude. Imagine that you have just completed a large project for work, one that you are very proud of, and nobody bothers to thank you for your efforts. How would you feel? The same applies to the universal Law of Attraction. If you truly desire something, and the universe supplies you with it, then you should take a moment and thank the universe for being so giving. Gratitude is one of the most powerful positive thoughts available to you, so use it often.

There are several methods and exercises that can help you change your way of thinking into a more positive plane, and in future updates I will tell you about some of the ones that I am trying and having success with. There are also a lot of good resources available on the internet, some of them free, but most in a very affordable range. I will go through some of my favorites in the next update and let you know where you can get them.

I am keeping this one short since I am doing research and trying to write at the same time, not really a good combination for me. I will do an update soon, so stay tuned.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Active and Passive Thoughts

Active thoughts are those thoughts that are the direct result of an impulse needed at the time an effort is made. More simply, it takes a direct, conscious thought to cause an action to be performed. When something enters your mind and you put attention to it, it is an active thought.

Passive thoughts are those thoughts that come as a result of an active effort. These can be anything from subconscious thought, emotions that arise because of some event, active thoughts received from others along the same lines of suggestion, and instincts. Passive thoughts in the form of instinct are passed down through heredity from your ancestors, as well as the continuing vibrations being sent out by the Primal Cause – the Big Bang at the beginning of existence.

In order to develop a mastery over your will, you must learn to control your active thoughts, and to keep control of them when outside influences try to call up emotional passive thoughts to take over. This is especially true when you are faced with some fear that you have, or with a situation that would normally make you angry. As you learn to master your active thoughts and keep them in tune with the positive plane, your passive thoughts will learn to follow along. If a circumstance arises that normally would cause you worry or fear, brace up and face that worry with the courage that you can overcome it. Most of the fears and worries that we face in everyday life are not as great as we imagine them, and once they pass, we are left wondering what it was that we were so worried about anyway.

In order to help train both your active and passive thoughts, and to send out the proper thoughts to the formless, thinking stuff in order to gain what you desire, you can follow a few simple mind exercises throughout the day, some of which have been listed previously. It is more important, however, to concentrate a little harder on mastering your mind just prior to going to sleep. The fresher your active thoughts are just before falling asleep, the more influence they will have on your subconscious passive thought while you are sleeping.

Think for a moment about a problem that you have had in the past, that kept you worried up until you fell asleep. I am sure that many of you will remember an instance when you woke up and immediately had a solution to the problem, when you could not find one in your active thoughts no matter how hard you tried. This is the way that the Law of Attraction works, both in subconscious thought and in the physical world. You needed a solution to a problem, and the universe seemed to supply you with a solution during a time when you were more open to receive it, while you slept.

Here is an exercise that will help you gain a little more control of your active and passive thoughts. Think of some thing, or chore, that you dislike doing but that needs to be done anyway – for some this could be washing the dishes, vacuuming the house, dusting, reading a chapter in a book, doing homework – it doesn’t really matter what the thing is, just that it needs to be done. Instead of putting off doing this thing until the last moment, think to yourself that you enjoy doing this thing and go ahead and do it. While you are engaged in this task, keep repeating in your mind that you do not hate this thing, that you enjoy it. It is better if this is a daily thing, so that you can practice this everyday. The more that you can make yourself dislike this thing, the closer you will be to getting in touch with the positive plane of thought and learning to master your own thoughts. You may never grow to actually like doing this thing, but after a short time, you may be able to convince yourself that you do not hate doing this thing. Any progress is better than none at all.

This should be the last part of the theories, so things should get a little more interesting from here on out. We will start really concentrating on learning better ways to control our thoughts and emotions, and how to use the Law of Attraction to benefit us in the way that it was meant to do, both in our personal lives and our business lives.

More to come soon, so stay tuned.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Part 2 – Positive and Negative Thought Planes

Your general mental attitude determines which plane of thought that your mind operates in, either the positive plane or the negative plane. If you typically have thought that are centered around making you feel stronger, happier, and more confident in your abilities, then you are operating on the positive plane. If you typically have thoughts centered around depression, anger, worry, and a general lack of confidence, then you are operating on the negative plane. There are for more people that operate on the negative plane, and the thoughts that are emitted from these people will have an influence upon your plane of thought.

Positive thoughts are far stronger than negative thoughts, so if you use active positive thoughts to change the way you think, then you will in time be able to block these negative thoughts and keep them from becoming an influence on your thinking. Everyone has the power to change the way that they allow their minds to think, it just takes a little practice and exercise.

One of the best things that you can do to change the thought influences that are around you is to surround yourself with the type of people that you would like to become. Most of the time, this is not an easy thing to do unless you are willing to change your circle of friends and join in with a more successful crowd. If this is not a possibility for you, then you will need to be very active in keeping your thoughts attuned to the positive plane of thoughts and make immediate corrections to any negative thoughts that enter your mind.

Any time you start to have thoughts of anger, jealousy, depression, hate, worry, or the biggest negative thought, fear, then stop what you are doing and make a serious conscious effort to change these thoughts into their positive opposites – calm, happy, love, confidence, courage. Once you learn to master the way that your mind works, you will find that you will be able to eliminate these negative thoughts, or at least change them to their positive opposites without so much active effort.

Keep repeating the exercise “I am asserting the mastery of my real self” at least once an hour, and then several times prior to going to bed at night. Use this exercise any time you feel a negative thought attempting to intrude upon your positive attitude, and always think of the life that you want to have, if it is not the life that you already have.

Part 3 will continue with active and passive thoughts, what they are, and where they come from.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thought Vibration

According to Mr. Atkinson, all thought is sent out in a wave pattern, similar to the wave patterns of sound and light. This causes vibration in the thoughts of others and helps to attract like minds. It is also the same vibrations that help to impress the thinking stuff described in The Science Of Getting Rich. Using this viewpoint, people who think in a positive manner will attract other people who think in a similar manner, and people who think negatively will attract like-minded, negative people.

When it comes to the realm of positive thinking and attraction marketing, you need to get your mental attitude in the right frame, otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure. If you have ever listened to a seminar from any of the top internet marketers today, they almost always start off by saying that in order to become a millionaire, you need to surround yourself with millionaires. What the are really saying is that you need to think of yourself as being successful, believe in that thought, and surround yourself with others who have the same thoughts and are successful. If you hang around with people who are generally negative, especially when it comes to being successful, then you will pick up on the thought patterns of those people and hinder your efforts at becoming successful yourself.

The human mind is considered one of the gateways to the Universal Will – Supreme Will, Thinking Stuff, Quanta, Dark Matter, God, etc, choose your own title based on your beliefs if it will help you to get in the proper frame of mind. The Universal Will is directly related to a person’s will power, and is the primary focus of these theories to cause all of the negative thoughts and emotions to subside and allow one to think, act, and believe that he is capable of, and worthy of, doing or being anything that he wishes. Most people, at least those that are not as successful as they want to be, will claim a lack of will power on the reason that they cannot achieve the success that they desire. It is not a lack of will power that is keeping anyone from becoming successful, but a lack of proper mental attitude that prevents one’s will from becoming the dominant force in his thought patterns.

In order to begin the process of training your mind to remain in a positive mental state, you can use Mr. Atkinson’s mental picture as a very good example. Think of yourself as the King over your own realm. See yourself sitting on your throne and ruling over all of the other parts that make up you – especially those negative thoughts that intrude upon your positive mental attitude. You are in charge, so order those thoughts to subside and remain fixed on the positive things that you want to see for yourself, and with some practice and a little time, you will begin to think of yourself as in charge of what thoughts that you allow yourself to have. Once you can do this, putting yourself in a positive mental state becomes far easier and quicker, and allows you to overcome any negative thoughts that you may have.

Mr. Atkinson gives an exercise in his book that is designed to help you get into this positive mental attitude. Make the affirmation to yourself “I AM Asserting the Mastery of My Real Self”. Repeat these words to yourself at least once an hour, and several times before going to bed. Don’t just say or think the words, but do so positively and with earnest, and with the thought that you keep of yourself that inspires you to believe the words are true.

Using this exercise, you will in time begin to have new, more positive thoughts without having to make an effort to have them, and you will begin to see that things that seemed difficult before now come to you much easier. You will begin to see yourself as the image that you have of yourself, and begin to believe that you are in charge of yourself. This is the first step in the retraining of you mind to become the positive, successful person that you want to be.

Part 2 of Thought Vibration will be posted soon.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Preparing To Receive What You Want

In order to receive the things that you want, the things that you have made your mental image of and impressed onto the thinking stuff, you need to be prepared for when it comes to you. This is not as difficult as it may sound, and mainly requires thinking and acting in a positive manner. According to Mr. Wattle, the following things need to be firmly believed and followed in order to receive what you want.

Each person that desires wealth must live and work in a manner that causes him to more than fill his present place.

In order to do this, the person must not only strive to be the best at what he does, but to be the best that he can be at what he does in his current business. If you are not happy in your current business and are thinking of making your riches in another business, you still need to be the best at what you do so that the business that you would like to be in will come to you more quickly.

When you more than fill you present place, then you will not have a choice except to move higher up. This is how nature works and evolution occurs. When an organism more than fills its present place, then it has no choice except to adapt to a higher plane of existence, and the same applies to people in business. Just being the best at what you do will only work to keep you in the same position that you are in, as your employer will have no reason to move you higher up if you make him more money doing what you do.

Keep in mind the purpose to get rich through realization of the mental image that you have formed in you mind.

Once you have formed the mental image of the life that you desire, and the wealth that goes with that life, then use your idle time to think strongly about that image, refine it, and perfect all of the pieces of the image. During your normal day, while working and interacting with others, keep this mental image in mind always. There is no need to daydream and dwell upon it all the time, since that will be done in your spare time. Just keep the image in your mind along with the belief that you desire and deserve this image.

Hold the thought of the mental image so that the impression will be communicated to everyone and everything you come into contact with.

Since everyone and everything in the universe is made up of the same thinking stuff, the more that you are able to impress the image of your desire on everything you come into contact with, the more the impression will be acted upon by the thinking stuff. Just remember that you do not need to think strongly about your image all of the time, just keep it in your mind once it has been fully formed.

Give to every person a use value in excess of the cash value received.

Depending on the type of business that you wish to enter, in order to receive the highest cash value for what you are giving, you must give a use value higher than the cash value received. This is especially true for the service type business, such as network marketing and online business that does not sell a specific product. A good example would be selling an ebook that tells others how to do something. The use value of the ebook should be higher than the cash value being asked for it – if the ebook is valued at $49.95, then the person buying the ebook should be able to expect more than $49.95 in return value for his investment..

The next part of this will start in on the theory behind Thought Vibration, and how it is related to Positive Thinking.


Friday, January 23, 2009

How Positive Thinking Works Part 2.

Creative thought vs. Competitive thought.

Creative thought is defined as taking a certain thought (such as getting rich or finding that one special love), thinking about it in a determined fashion, and then holding that thought strongly enough to impress that thought onto the thinking stuff. This will cause the thinking stuff to create the circumstances for you to achieve whatever it is that you desire.

Competitive thought is defined as trying to force your thoughts and desires to work by competing against others for what you desire.

According to the theory outlined in The Science Of Getting Rich, using creative thought allows a person to come into direct mental contact with the thinking stuff, thereby causing the thinking stuff to move into action and create the circumstances necessary to cause that persons thoughts to become reality. Competitive thought stems from greed and envy, and causes the persons thoughts to be impressed onto the thinking stuff in a negative manner, producing negative results for that person.

According to Mr. Wattle, in order to receive the most benefit from impressing your thoughts on the thinking stuff, you need to have a firm image of the thing that you desire in your thoughts and continue to think about this thing in a creative manner. The more firmly you believe that this image is yours and is on its way to you, the more committed that thinking stuff will be in making the image yours.

Thinking in a negative manner, such as giving a lot of thought to poverty and lamenting on personal problems, will cause the thinking stuff to attract these negative thought to you – basically a person that thinks about poverty on a regular basis will remain in poverty, or someone who dwells on illness and disease will attract more illness and disease into his life. Competitive thought increases the negative emotions and thoughts that are impressed upon the thinking stuff.

This adds a fourth element to the basic concepts of The Science Of Getting Rich:

1 - There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and in its original state exists in all areas of the universe.

2 - A thought in this thinking stuff will produce the thing imagined in that thought.

3 - A person can form things in his thoughts, impress that thought upon the thinking stuff, and cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

4 – A person must pass from competitive thought to creative thought. This is the only way to be in harmony with the thinking stuff, which is always creative in spirit and never competitive.

Part 3 will concentrate on making yourself ready to receive what you want.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

How Positive Thinking Works Part 1.

While I am waiting to see what the results of the positive thinking experiment are, ltes see if I can explain a little about how this works.

According to Wallace D. Wattle, there is a substance that he refers to as the "thinking stuff" that makes up everything that is in the universe. Quantum physics theories now refer to the "thinking stuff" as dark matter.

Positive thinking uses what is referred to as creative thinking. Mr. Wattle's theory can be broken down into 3 main parts:

1 - There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and in its original state exists in all areas of the universe.

2 - A thought in this thinking stuff will produce the thing imagined in that thought.

3 - A person can form things in his thoughts, impress that thought upon the thinking stuff, and cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Using this theory, a person should be able to impress the thought of becoming wealthy onto the thinking stuff, thereby creating wealth for him.

Attraction marketing uses the same theory in the basic Think Rich, Be Rich idea. If a person has a strong enough, and clear enough desire to become rich, then he will become rich because the thinking stuff will create the circumstances needed for him to become rich.

Part 2 of this article will concentrate on the proper method of using thought to make positive things happen for you.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Attraction Marketing and The Power of Positive Thinking

I seem to be stuck on this topic, so I might as well write something else about it. I have been trying to use the methods for positive thinking laid out in the book The Science of Getting Rich. Since I have only been doing this for a couple days now, I can’t really say what the overall results might be. For now, I can only comment on the immediate results.

I am thinking more positive thoughts than I was before, and trying very hard to suppress the negative thoughts that seem to just naturally come into the mind throughout the day. I have been in a much better mood than normal this week, and have been motivated to do more work at my regular job than usual.

I know that it will take at least a couple weeks of doing this before I can give any definite results, but judging from the increase in positive mental attitude over just the last two days, I am hoping for some really great results. I will continue with this on a regular basis to let everyone know how this works out.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

This can be confusing.

With all of the ways to advertise your online projects, things can get pretty confusing at times. It seems like I spend a lot more time sitting in front of this computer than I do working at my regular job. Traffic exchanges, mass emails, article writing, blogs, and the whole social networking thing seem to take up more time than ever.

Out of all of the methods that I have tried for advertising, the best and most responsive so far has been on the social networking sites. Twitter seems to be the best one for reaching the most people at once, but with a couple of third party programs, I am able to send out messages to around 25 different sites with just one mouse click, so there are some ways to save a little time.

I am just getting this blog page started, so I will keep this one short. Leave me a comment with your suggestions or advice on what kinds of things should be covered in this area. I am always trying to learn new ways of doing things, and any help would be appreciated.


Sunday 01/18/2009
Ok. Part 2 of this thing.

I have been sending out a lot of safelist emails lately, and the response that I get is pretty low. I would guess that most people do not read the emails that they get from these safelists, since there are just too many that show up in your inbox. It looks like the way to go with these safelists would be to use the solo ads that they offer. I open up most of them just to get the higher credit numbers, so I do see at least the splash page being used for each ad.

From what I have been able to tell about the safelist credit mailers, they are free, so they can be used without much effort and without dipping into your budget. Just don't expect to get too many results from them. Solo ads are OK, but not nearly effective as the responses from traffic exchanges. I guess I will still use them all until I am able to build up a large enough subscriber list.


Tuesday 01/20/2009

I would like to focus a little bit on the concept of attraction marketing. Two books that I have read, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattle and Thought Vibration by William Walker Atkinson, focus on using positive thoughts to overcome the mental barriers that most people have to making money and becoming wealthy. Both of these books were written in the early 1900's and still hold merit today.

I do not know how well the actual money attraction part works, since I have not seen any vast improvements to my income just by thinking positively about it, but I will say that having the proper mindset and focus about what you are doing makes it much easier to write things like this blog, articles, and advertisement emails.

If you have not had the opportunity to read either of these books yet, you need to take the time to do so. The Science of Getting Rich is probably the best known of the two, and was the inspiration for the most recent positive thinking book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Right click on the links and choose "save link as..." to download the two books.

The Science of Getting Rich

Thought Vibration

As always, your comments are welcome. Let me know what you think about the idea of attraction marketing, and whether you think it works or not.
